A User's Guide to PPC's Pod Track Support Website
Welcome! This is THE site for everything Pod-related.
PlantPure Communities Pod leaders are on the forefront of sharing the whole food, plant based message with the world! THANK YOU for being a Pod leader and inspiring others to live a healthier, more compassionate and just life.
At PPC, we want to make sure that you are well supported and this site (in addition to your Pod Support team member) serves to answer questions you might have regarding leading a Pod, as well as provides resources that will help keep you (and your Pod members!) well-sustained, better connected, and energized to continue this important work.
Here are a list of tips for using this site - or you can check out the video tutorial below!
Bookmark this site: you can enter the site directly using this link https://podsupport.plantpurecommunities.org or by going to the PPC website and clicking on our Pod Leader Portal.
Navigation: When you enter the site, click “Welcome, Pod Leaders!” on the upper left side of the page. A drop down menu will appear, which lists Earth, Water and Fire Pod Support Tracks, our Resource Library, etc.
From there you can click on the individual pages and see the content contained within by looking at the menu bar of the sub-pages which will appear and be available on the left side. To get back to the main menu, you will have to click the main page that you entered again (on the top left), which will bring back the menu of the entire site.
Please note: It is best to view each page in full screen view. If your browser box is minimized very small, the menu on the left will not be visible but will be accessible by clicking the three lines at the top left. When using your mobile device, the site will look different but these same tips will apply. Have fun clicking around!
Watch our "How To" Video Tutorial: Coming Soon! This is a great overview of how to use the site.
Download or print a pdf of any page: The print outs are great to bring to Pod meetings or a tabling event, or you can share a link to any of the pages with an interested friend. Simply click on the three small dots on the upper right of a page near the heading, and make your choice.
Table of Contents: You may access the Table of Contents at any time to find a specific resource, or to help you work your way through the site.
Last updated