Form relationships.
Goal: Guide Pod leaders to network with vegan and vegetarian groups.
Intention: The purpose of this activity is to create coalitions between PlantPure Communities Pods and existing plant-based groups in the same geographical area or community. Pod leaders may wish to extend this to reducetarian and flexitarian groups. Activists not linked to any specific organization could also be sought out.
Rationale: This initiative is not driven by the objective of attracting new Pod members but rather, Pod leaders who are passionate about promoting the benefits of a WFPB lifestyle can, from a social action perspective, create meaningful links with individual activists and other groups or organizations. The aim is to identify shared values and common ground, clarify any areas of misunderstanding, and create strong networks in order to spread the message of plant-based nutrition throughout the community.
Identify appropriate groups/individuals/activists via searches on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and search engines etc.
Determine the potential for effective communication with the group, e.g. through a conversation with the group leader, introducing yourself on their social media group, joining the group, etc.
Reach out to identified groups through:
Outreach on their social media platforms. It may be appropriate for Pod leaders to check the guidelines of groups selected for posts, and if they are unclear regarding promotions, to check in with group leaders to get permission before posting.
Direct outreach to the organization's leader
Inviting the vegan group's members to a Pod's meet-up or event/webinar with the aim of encouraging participation
Attending one of their events to network
Determine collaborative strategies, for example:
Invite groups/activists to attend your Pod events to address members to explain their goals and activities. Such events could also be used to provide a 2-way exchange of information.
Invite groups/activists to become partners and organize joint events or campaigns.
Thanks to Pod leaders for creating this document.